But once you do, will you be able to find the center? Will you find your way back out again? Each page of the book represents a room. You enter the maze by turning the first page. Taken all together, the book itself is the maze. Christopher Manson presented this strange puzzle in an eerie picture book that he wrote and illustrated. Each room has multiple doors that lead to different pages, and you have to chose t In 1985 there was a competition to solve a puzzle-a puzzle in the shape of a book.

In 1985 there was a competition to solve a puzzle-a puzzle in the shape of a book. Good luck to you if you decide to journey down this path to madness!. I'm pretty sure Manson is the devil, or God, for creating a book this crazy. The paragraph and picture apparently contain clues, in fact the whole book is said to contain clues to be solved in order to find the center then come back out again. Each room has a paragraph describing your passage through that room and a picture of the room. The entire book is a maze, each page a different room and you flip through the pages like a Choose Your Own Adventure book (a CYOA book on crack). you can probably find it online I'd assume. I have never even seen this book anywhere except for the one store I bought it from. I found it years ago, still haven't solved it, and sometimes it feels like the book isn't even real- like I spookily stumbled across the only copy that changes as I am reading it. The entire book is a maze, each page a different room and you flip through the pages like a Choose Your Own Adventure book (a CYOA book on cra Good grief. Buy it, because this just might be the best book I've ever read.more Buy it and spend hours trying to understand it and end up simultaneously hating and loving it. I don't care how old you are, what kind of books you usually read, or if you think illustrated books are beneath you. Between not knowing what's a clue and what's a decoration, what clues to trust, what the clues mean, and where they're telling you to go, is it any wonder that I've been working on this for my entire life and still not found a solution? Because Christopher Manson is a frigging genius and I want to hug him and slap him in the face for all the frustration he's brought me at the same time. And, to make things harder, if that's possible, these clues do not stand alone. I mean each clue having so many possible meanings that there's no way to know which one is right. I mean not even being sure what clues to trust. I mean not knowing what is a clue or even noticing all of them. I mean an impossible web of clues that would take hours to completely decipher. These clues are not the "Blue's Clues" that can be figured out in a second. Both of those aspects are made all the more interesting by the clues. The illustrations are beautiful and mesmerizing. What can I say about this book? The writing style is superb and completely envelops you in the story. That, however, does not stop it from being really freaking fun. If I did, I would dishonor my family for generations and probably be exiled from society and have to live in shame.) It is near impossible to solve. (There are many things I am willing to use internet walkthroughs for, but this is not one of them. I have not solved this yet, or even come slightly close. This is not a book for children, despite the fact that I absolutely loved it as a child, even though I could never solve it. Do not be fooled by the fact that it has pictures. If I did, I would dishonor my family for generations and probably be exiled from society and have to live in shame.) It is near impossible to solve This.